Saturday, June 09, 2007

Thank you :-)

Good Saturday morning blogging community :-)
As I sit an answer phones at the Lake Express High Speed Ferry this morning my attention is drawn to a woman sitting in the Milwaukee terminal. She arrived around 9:15 and since check-in does not start until 11:00 she is sitting at a table waiting patiently for the check-in process to begin. When she arrive, as many do, she approached me at the customer service counter asking for guidance as to where she should next. I advised her that we do not begin check-in until 11:00 but she is more than welcome to stay in the terminal until that time. From my observation I felt it safe to assume that she was slightly mentally handicapped. I can also assume that she lives on her own and for the most part can take care of herself. She informed me that her father made the reservation for her and told her where to go.

As she waits in the terminal she gently places her bags around her and sits down. She pulls out a small bag and rummages through it. A call interrupts my attention but when I glance back over she is delicately applying her make-up. She is holding her blush, focusing on her reflection and the strokes she is applying. All being done in a very Audrey Hepburn fashion. All very something out of “Breakfast at Tiffany's.”

I bring up this little story because it made me think how cool it was that someone who might have been overlooked growing up or has had people think “she can't do that” can and is. I am not saying I know what this woman's life growing up was like or how her life is now but if one person anywhere ever thought that anyone with a mental handicap cannot live on their own or live their life to the fullest this woman proves them wrong. So here is a thank you to the guardians and caregivers to those with any kind of handicap and a strong rock on to those that have proved ney-sayers wrong.

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I would also like to send out a big congratulations to the call of 2007. Rock on and go get 'em!


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