Thursday, January 26, 2006

Chipotle Day!

Hello! It has been too long! The second semester began this week. I am a Peer Advisor so I had to be there Monday for the new students but classes didn't actually start until Wednesday. So far so good but we are only on day two and I am already looking forward to spring break. Hmmm, good sign? Prolly not but oh well. Let's see... since last time I've gone out with my intoxicated-of age-friends, visited a friend at work and a porn store and played more basketball. I've been having some problems though; at basketball practise lately I've been going low. Not only once or twice but like 8 times in the last 12 practises. I'm getting really worried and so is my coach. It's not like we are practising for an hour before I go low either, it's often times in the first 30-40 minutes of prac. We usually are warming up and I've been unplugged from my pump("Thyia") for almost an hour! It's really bothering/frustrating me. Grrrr! And when I say low I'm talk'n 40-50 range! It hits sudden. Hmmmm... Anyway, everything else is going good. Right now I'm sitting in front of the computer, mom's upstairs watching "Sex In The City" and I'm downloading Beatles songs on to the iPod. Oh! This is exciting: today was Alverno Day at Chipotle! That means you get free food and Chipotle with an Alverno ID! I went for lunch and dinner! My friends and I love Chipotle and when it's free it's even better!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Oink Oink

Here I am, sitting on the sofa watching Martha Stewart and thinking 'mmm, that tea-cake looks good.' Then I get to thinking...I have been a bad little diabetic. My friends and I have not been the healthiest of athletes and in the last week I have been to Culvers for custard and Mc Donalds (a number of times). The real bad night was after a basketball game last week. My friend and I went to George Webbs (a 24 hour 'trucker' dinner for those of you not from Wisconsin) after the game for a burger and then a short 4 hours later 4 of us went to Mc Don's for more food! Wow, I sound like such an oinker! I'm really not but this blog would argue that.
Well, I have to get going. I have a basketball game tonight and need to do some things before that so I will write to you all later.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I'm Back!!!

Hello Readers. I know it has been awhile. I hope you haven't forgotten about me. I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I did. I have been really busy. Practice, hanging with freinds, catching up with family, sleeping... Wow... Crazy. We had a basketball game in Ann Arbor Mich. which was a really long 5 hour drive. Our team is not meshing really well at the moment and after the game in Mich two quit. It was a big loss. They are two talented post players and they felt that the coach did not want them there anymore. Well, that was two games ago and we are battling through. They have come to the games though to show their support which is nice. Well, I am being summoned to the kitchen to help make dinner so I will hear from you soon.