Thursday, May 25, 2006

Thank you

Almost time for D.C. I still can't believe it. I have raised very close to $1,000!!! I am really surprised how generous people have been. My favorite story so far happened not to long ago. My mom and I were at the mall doing some DC shopping. My mom had bought a piece of luggage special for the trip. I said I would be the one to wheel it around for the rest of our mall run. We went into a shoe store and the sales lady asked if we were going on a trip and I said yes and was going to leave it there but she followed up with where? Now the male sales clerk was painted intriged so I said Washington D.C. which got the sales dude all excited and asked why was I going so I explained everything and they were really excited for us. The man gave us some restraunt names to try and the girl was fascinated. It was really cool. These people had nothing to do with any of it but they were so proud just to even talk with my mom and I about it. My other favorite moment was from a girl I went to grade school and then high school with. She is a few years younger than me; she is graduating HS this year. My mom must have told her the story (my mom works at the high school in the guidence office) because I get a card in the mail. When I see who it was from I was a bit surprised. We played tennis together and that was about it. I didn't expect her and her family to send money or anything. I opened up the small light pink envelope and inside was the nicest card. No money but a very encouraging card saying she supports me in my trip. She is going in to research and understands how important funding is. I think that was the best gift I've recieved so far. It was really cool to know that so many are behind me. Another surprise was a donation of $50 from a girl that I coach. I told them what I was doing and her family came that week with a white envelope and said best of luck. I was really toached that I meant so much to my midfielder.
Thank you to everyone who is behind me. It means so much.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Where have I been?

Oh my goodness! I have been moving moving moving. This past week was finals so the week before was nothing but papers and projects. This piled on top of my already busy life just about drove me to insanity! It is all over now though; no more papers, no more assessments (Alverno word for tests), no more teachers... Nothing but freedom.
The Call to Congress is coming up quick. My mom and I have our plane tickets and our room reserved. I'm a little nervous; if I don't do good I'm going to feel like I fail all of you guys. My loyal readers and fellow diabetics. I vow to do my best; for you and the other 15 million diabetics in America! My fundraising effort is making waves. I have about $700 as of today. People I don't even know are gladly helping me. It is so crazy! I'm really proud of the work I'm doing and I really hope it pays off. I will keep you guys informed.
I am stronger than my diabetes! (Note the sweatshirt)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

1 month away...

I am still a little in shock about being accepted to do the ADA's Call to Congress. We are only a month away! Wow!!! I am really looking forward to the event but I am really nervous too. My mom is coming though so I'm not going alone *wheph* I am currently trying to fundraise money for our plane tickets to and from D.C. I made these pamphlets that I am going to hand out to my family, teachers, coaches, neighbors...everyone else I see. I had my mom proof-read them to make sure there were no errors. She came upstairs to my room where I was writing a history paper and I could tell she had been crying. She said that it was the first time in a long time that she had cried over my diabetes. So, if things go right I should be handing these things out by Monday. Butterflies are filling my stomach just typing this post. Well, it is late and I need to get some sleep-I have to meet with one of my instructors tomorrow about my final...

If you are interested in helping my mom and me go to Washington for the Call to Congress please let me know. Any little bit will help. You can contact me at